2017-06-05 Project Management Meeting


Jun 5, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @raff

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Jan Flowers

Discussion items







OCL Update


  • No update

  • Need to look into issue for OCL for reference application

  • Looking at next month for transferring into Jet Stream

SolDevelo Update


  • Waiting for SolDevelo to let us know which of the two projects we suggested they want to do.

  • May want to follow up next week to see if there is any thing else they need from us



  • This week Rafal will be putting some work into moving module repository to bitray

  • When this happens documentation will become outdated so we need to have someone help with this, like a volunteer.


@Burke Mamlin

Reference Application

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Topic on today's design forum

  • Kenya EMR can not make today's call

Internships (GSoC)

@Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph

  • Would like to understand what mid-term presentations would look like

  • It could help to get a status update either on this call or over email so we know how things are going



  • Daniel was going to take a closer look at how to get people more engaged on priority tickets

  • Need to talk on a future PM call about community priority ticket process and engagement 


@Daniel Kayiwa

  • next week want to look at what work is left for the current phase of Andela work

  • looking to have 4 devs on Andela work for the next phase

  • we may need to expand pool of mentors - Daniel will need to let us know

  • concerns around java mentoring and previous volunteers helping others from month to month

  • Jan and Darius have call with Andela next Wednesday so we will revisit this after that

Action items

@raff will create a post on Talk asking for a volunteer to help update documentation for the module repository move
@Burke Mamlin to post on Talk to get platform vision conversation going and possibly having a call in the near future
@Jamie Thomas will ask @Harsha Kumara and @Kaweesi Joseph for a weekly status update update for GSoC so we know how things are going, whether there are issues or blockers, or if there is anything they need from us.
@Jamie Thomas will make sure that the topic of community priority ticket process and engagement gets on the 10 July call 
@Jamie Thomas will post to Talk asking Ada about design forum for Expanded Data Entry Statistics