2017-02-06 Project Management Meeting


Feb 6, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @raff

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Sri Maurya Kummamuru

Discussion items







Last Weeks Action Items


2017-01-30 Project Management Meeting



  • https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=103&view=reporting&chart=sprintRetrospective&sprint=124

  • nothing planned out for upcoming work - looking for ideas for projects

  • How to bridge disconnect on whether people are using Android client?

  • Suggest doing a Sprint on Ref App 2.6 this month - reach out to Stephen so he has a deadline for getting some tickets prepared

  • OCL subscription module sprint was done in December

  • Android client has not been used in production yet

  • SolDevelo implemented a bunch of missing features and now we are starting to see some interest and people are asking questions

  • Target organization would use this? Started as a mobile way to use Ref App and also for offline use of server.

Platform 2.0.3 and Platform 2.0.4

@Burke Mamlin

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.6

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Working on identifying a release manager

  • Plan to have a release manager identified by Wednesday, 8-Feb-2017

Replace Module Repository

@Darius Jazayeri

  • Working with @Reuben Varghese on additional features

  • Current plan is to run alongside module repo as addons.openmrs.org


@Daniel Kayiwa

  • Students are creating sprint

  • Plan to announce Andela project/sprint tomorrow

  • We could use a "How to announce a sprint" recipe

    • Really simple (3-5 steps at most)

      • Announce on Talk with sprint-announcement label.

      • Have an explicit start & end

      • Link to tickets (preferably a sprint board at issues.openmrs.org ... or similar)

      • Make it clear where to join the conversation (name a specific channel like IRC, Telegram, a Talk topic, ...)

      • Update regularly (e.g., a weekly update on Talk or at least add a comment to the announcement topic with an update on progress)



  • GSoC project pages needed ASAP! (Discussed on today's Design Forum)

Work Time: Project Wiki Clean Up


Action items

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke will be responsible to make sure 2.6 Technical Roadmap / Release Notes items get specified so other developers can help to get tickets done, GSoC students can even pick these up
@Darius Jazayeri will work with @Jan Flowers on putting together a schedule for quarterly project updates
@Burke Mamlin will reach out to @Stephen Senkomago Musoke to ask that he either join weekly PM call or ensure an updated on RefApp PM status is available (via proxy, update on Talk, etc.)
@Sri Maurya Kummamuru will ensure a release manager is identified by Wednesday, 8-Feb-2017
@Daniel Kayiwa to work with Andela students to create a post announcing the Andela partnership by this Thursday
@Daniel Kayiwa to create a very simple How-To Have a Sprint wiki page (linked from or mentioned in Getting Started as a Developer (Archived Version))