2017-02-06 Project Management Meeting


Feb 6, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @raff

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Sri Maurya Kummamuru

Discussion items







Last Weeks Action Items


2017-01-30 Project Management Meeting



  • https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=103&view=reporting&chart=sprintRetrospective&sprint=124

  • nothing planned out for upcoming work - looking for ideas for projects

  • How to bridge disconnect on whether people are using Android client?

  • Suggest doing a Sprint on Ref App 2.6 this month - reach out to Stephen so he has a deadline for getting some tickets prepared

  • OCL subscription module sprint was done in December

  • Android client has not been used in production yet

  • SolDevelo implemented a bunch of missing features and now we are starting to see some interest and people are asking questions

  • Target organization would use this? Started as a mobile way to use Ref App and also for offline use of server.

Platform 2.0.3 and Platform 2.0.4

@Burke Mamlin

  • Accidentally didn't include bundled modules in Platform 2.0.3

  • Platform 2.0.4 will be released shortly (Detailed Technical Roadmap updated accordingly)

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.6

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Working on identifying a release manager

  • Plan to have a release manager identified by Wednesday, 8-Feb-2017

Replace Module Repository

@Darius Jazayeri

  • Working with @Reuben Varghese on additional features

  • Current plan is to run alongside module repo as addons.openmrs.org


@Daniel Kayiwa

  • Students are creating sprint

  • Plan to announce Andela project/sprint tomorrow

  • We could use a "How to announce a sprint" recipe

    • Really simple (3-5 steps at most)

      • Announce on Talk with sprint-announcement label.

      • Have an explicit start & end

      • Link to tickets (preferably a sprint board at issues.openmrs.org ... or similar)

      • Make it clear where to join the conversation (name a specific channel like IRC, Telegram, a Talk topic, ...)

      • Update regularly (e.g., a weekly update on Talk or at least add a comment to the announcement topic with an update on progress)



  • GSoC project pages needed ASAP! (Discussed on today's Design Forum)

Work Time: Project Wiki Clean Up


Action items

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke will be responsible to make sure 2.6 Detailed Technical Roadmap items get specified so other developers can help to get tickets done, GSoC students can even pick these up
@Darius Jazayeri will work with @Jan Flowers on putting together a schedule for quarterly project updates
@Burke Mamlin will reach out to @Stephen Senkomago Musoke to ask that he either join weekly PM call or ensure an updated on RefApp PM status is available (via proxy, update on Talk, etc.)
@Sri Maurya Kummamuru will ensure a release manager is identified by Wednesday, 8-Feb-2017
@Daniel Kayiwa to work with Andela students to create a post announcing the Andela partnership by this Thursday
@Daniel Kayiwa to create a very simple How-To Have a Sprint wiki page (linked from or mentioned in Getting Started as a Developer (Archived Version))