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Last weeks action items | | 2017-07-31 Project Management Meeting |
Internships (GSoC) | @Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph | |
Bintray | @Rafal Korytkowski & @Darius Jazayeri | Need to ask Rafal what deadlines have been set need to shift point to Bintray - pull request done but Darius asked student for changes Darius would like to go into production before the end of GSoC Want to be able to index is the place to look for modules in a week and Modulus would be read only at that point.
Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa | |
Platform | @Burke Mamlin | |
Reference Application | @Stephen Senkomago Musoke | |
Update on new community/volunteer mentoring | @Daniel Kayiwa | |
pmtool | | Need to look at community priority ticket process and engagement beyond Andela pmtool needs small intervention from infrastructure team to move it over to new server metrics need improvement next steps are to get hosted on openmrs server, look at tool, then again look at what are next steps (ie. what info do we need that we are not getting) - could potentially use design call for next steps
Scrum of Scrum Crosswalk | @Theresa Cullen | |
Other | | |