Cohort Builder Replacement (Design Page) or Reporting Module User Interface
The old ReportingCompatibility Module includes a very useful Cohort Builder feature.
We need to build a replacement for that feature, in the newer Reporting Module so that people can access the same cohort queries on-the-fly as they use in reports.
Requirements / Project Phases
This project should take an iterative approach, adding functionality piece by piece. One possible ordering of features would be:
Choose a saved cohort query with no parameters, and see (asynchronously) the number of patients matching the query
Choose a saved cohort query with parameters, and prompt the user for parameters
Popup a preview of the list of patients matching a query
Saving and loading search histories
Combining multiple queries together with boolean logic
Saving combined queries
Let the administrator indicate which queries should be available as "shortcuts"
Combining multiple queries with an easy-to-use interface (<-- this is hard!)
The "Cohort Builder Replacement" tickets in JIRA propose another possible ordering of features.
Here are some initial mockups that show a general idea of how this could work, but come nowhere near defining requirements.
The minimal first pass at this would be: