Cohort Builder Replacement (Design Page) or Reporting Module User Interface


The old ReportingCompatibility Module includes a very useful Cohort Builder feature.

We need to build a replacement for that feature, in the newer Reporting Module so that people can access the same cohort queries on-the-fly as they use in reports.

Requirements / Project Phases

This project should take an iterative approach, adding functionality piece by piece. One possible ordering of features would be:

  • Choose a saved cohort query with no parameters, and see (asynchronously) the number of patients matching the query

  • Choose a saved cohort query with parameters, and prompt the user for parameters

  • Popup a preview of the list of patients matching a query

  • Saving and loading search histories

  • Combining multiple queries together with boolean logic

  • Saving combined queries

  • Let the administrator indicate which queries should be available as "shortcuts"

  • Combining multiple queries with an easy-to-use interface (<-- this is hard!)

The "Cohort Builder Replacement" tickets in JIRA propose another possible ordering of features.


Here are some initial mockups that show a general idea of how this could work, but come nowhere near defining requirements.

The minimal first pass at this would be: