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Internships (GSoC) | @Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph | In our 2nd week of GSoC 1st week - students raised questions which have been answered Are all 15 students in contact with their mentors and progressing? There are weekly reports where the students can raise questions and then Harsha/Kaweesi follow up with students. Want students to record 1-3 minute videos of progress on their projects during evaluation times (28 July and 29 August)
Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa | What work is left in the current phase of work? 11 tickets left (9 fixes, 2 new features) 1 sprint for each for the 2 groupings of tickets should cover it (2 weeks each) 14 June start sprint on 9 fixes, 21 June start sprint for 2 new features
SolDevelo | @Rafal Korytkowski | |
Platform | @Burke Mamlin | |
Reference Application | @Stephen Senkomago Musoke | |
Bitray | | This week Rafal is going to put some work into moving module repository to Bitray When Rafal moves module repository then documentation will become outdated so we need to have someone help with this, like a volunteer. - Rafal is to create a Talk post looking for volunteer assistance for this.
pmtool | | |
Other | | Jamie is back in the office full-time Burke will not be on design calls or PM calls until July 10th - try him on Talk and email What quarterly items people feel should be reviewed over the next month? feel like we need to "troll" Talk to get updates on quarterly items Scrum of scrums held on 12 April - need to get better logistical understanding Need to figure out how to cross walk updates from scrum of scrums to PM and OMRS Operational Plan.