2017-12-04 Project Management Meeting


Dec 4, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Jeff Neiman

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • @Darius Jazayeri

Discussion items








@Christine Gichuki, @Jeff Neiman

  • Holding a few final planning meetings for the conference schedule

  • Have two co-leads for hackathon @Ivange Larry Ndumbe and @Sanjaya Poudel, with @Stephen Senkomago Musoke as guide.

  • Have proposed ideas page (three so far)

  • Can submit ideas up until the 15th

  • email Lorinne Banister with any financial question



  • SolDevelo requesting demo servers

    @Burke Mamlin to f/u with @Cintia Del Rio on prioritizing the servers (high priority)

OCL Module


  • Need to follow up with Rafal to see if OCL is working

Modulus server being decommissioned

@Darius Jazayeri

  • Cant told us the server would be discommissioned but we need to do a little more testing

  • @raff had offered to do this testing in Oct (https://talk.openmrs.org/t/new-guidelines-for-module-releases/13357/12) so we should check if this happened.

  • If it hasn't been done yet, someone needs to be assigned to test whether the new addons server fully replaces modulus's legacy module update API, ASAP

Reference Application

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Tendo updated items on roadmap page

  • Final stages of testing

  • Everything updated on staging servers and should be able to release this week - Thursday (as long as know test issues)

  • Stephen will be posting to Talk about the release


@Wyclif Luyima, @Burke Mamlin

  • Everything is going smoothly as of now.

  • Need to update Irene on tickets

  • METS will be providing a desk for Irene

  • Would like to release 12/20


@Ivange Larry Ndumbe

  • Starting date for Google Code In was Tuesday, November 28

  • We started the contest with 79 tasks and 75 published

  • We had task across all categories.

  • 19 mentors. Most have experience from previous GCI. Some where mentors, GCI winners and finalist. Past mentors and past GSOC student/mentors

  • We also had first timers to the mentors team but they had experience working with OpenMRS. We had one student from Andela

  • Ivange built a bot that listens to task updates from GCI and connected it to a new channel to get real time GCI updates.  

  • We had too many beginner task. We need more. Beginner task disappear from students dashboard once they have completed up to 2. So in order for most of our coding tasks not to disappear Ivange didn't mark the beginner coding task Daniel created as beginner task. Ivange just made them normal task and tagged them as easy and advised students not to do more than 2 since completing one makes it easy to do the rest within 30 minutes. 

    • @Ivange Larry Ndumbe should reach out to mentors for new tickets if he needs them

  • JIRI has been a blocker both to Ivange and some students. It took about 2 days for some of them to get access. And as for Ivange he is not sure what’s wrong. He has been unable to login to JIRA for about 2 weeks now. He has help desk case open. Whenever it’s fixed and he will login after a while, he get logged out and unable to login again until he contacts help desk.

    • Several people are having JIRA access issues. Discussion happening here on Talk

  • He has not been able to add @raff task because it requires login and he has been unable to login.


@Daniel Kayiwa

  • 4 new team members last week to start mid-week (12 total team members)

  • 4 new guys are to help the Add On team to get it done quickly for the Platform release



  • Reference application build failing. @Daniel Kayiwa & @raff fixed this.



  • Terry working on format for Scrum of Scrums, still need to get with Darius on this

Action items

@Burke Mamlin to f/u with @Cintia Del Rio on prioritizing demo servers for SolDevelo
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke will be posting to Talk about the reference application release
@Jamie Thomas to follow up with @raff on OCL module and modulus server being decommissioned
@Jamie Thomas to follow up with @Sri Maurya Kummamuru for DHIS2 update from James
@Theresa Cullen to follow up with @Darius Jazayeri on the format for Scrum of Scrums