DHISreport Module 2.0 - Integration with Reporting Module

2015 GSoC Project Idea

This project is being considered as a potential project for Google Summer of Code 2015. If you are a potential intern and are interested in working on this project, please discuss it in detail with the mentor(s) listed here before submitting your internship proposal.

Primary mentor

@Sri Maurya Kummamuru

Backup mentor

@Bob Jolliffe

GSoC student



DHIS2- https://www.dhis2.org/ is an aggregate indicator system used along with OpenMRS in many countries.The Present Dhisreport module being used automates the process of running sql queries against an OpenMRS instance and posting the results to a DHIS2 instance. It even exposes a set of web services that can be consumed through cURL. But, this requires a knowledge of the database structure and also SQL skills.
Reporting Module has a system that allows generating reports based on a cohort system that generates the SQL queries automatically. But, This requires creating the cohorts through UI.

This project is aimed at using the cohort system of reporting module and merging it with the dhisreport module to let users without SQL knowledge create reports and send data to the DHIS system.


  • Good Java and SQL skills.

  • Familiarity with J2EE web programming (e.g., JSPs)

  • Familiarity with Spring Framework  and Hibernate will help but not required.

Project Champions

  • @Bob Jolliffe

  • @Roger Friedman

  • @Saptarshi Purkayastha

  • @James K


  • Study about the existing dhisreport module, DHIS integration module(this has resources that would explain the integration process) and reporting module.(All links are provided below)

  • Creating the project plan and timeline. 

  • Creating technical documentation for the module.

  • Creating a User Interface that lets users access Reporting module's components to generate the SQL queries.

Extra Credit

  • Enhancing the web services to provide more advanced queries.

  • Writing Unit Tests for the module.

Potential applicants

Please start going through the documentations provided and start familiarizing yourself with Reporting Module, DHIS Integration module, Hibernate and Spring in the same order if possible. You wont be required to have more knowledge about DHIS than provided in Dhis Integration module documentation. Good Luck!
