2017-02-27 Project Management Meeting


Feb 27, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

Discussion items







Last weeks action items


2017-02-13 Project Management Meeting

PM Volunteer

@Jamie Thomas


Last Weeks Action Items

 2017-02-06 Project Management Meeting


Platform 2.0.3 and Platform 2.0.4

@Burke Mamlin

Released on Feb 6

Platform 2.1.0

@Darius Jazayeri

Bahmni wants to release this in March.

Discussion question: do we continue to support 1.11.x after this release? (Continue discussion on the Talk thread)

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.6

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

Release Manager identified. (Now what?)

7 roadmap features, 4 are in progress (sprint happening now on clinician-facing dashboard widgets).

No progress yet on pre-built reports.

Replace Module Repository

@Darius Jazayeri

Latest status update: https://talk.openmrs.org/t/replacing-modulus-project-status-updates/9789/10


Program Administrator

We are selected as an org this year! Keep an eye out for incoming applicants and interested students and help them out.

No leads are on the call, need to follow up with them.


@Daniel Kayiwa

Onboarded another pair of devs. (Now there are 4 devs.)

Starting second sprint (first was getting used to the processes, layout out UI with static data). Now, make REST calls.

Haven't had a demo yet. Scheduling is tricky. Daniel waiting for Andela team to share available times.

(Getting this demo/showcase scheduled should be highest priority on the Andela project.)

Quarterly Scrum of Scrums

@Darius Jazayeri

Darius and Jan still planning the communication about this. (If no progress by next week, then worry!)

Work Time: Project Wiki Clean Up


Project Home Page

We cleaned up everything that was listed under Active Projects that started with the letter A.

Lots of cleanup still to be done!

Action items

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke to ask @Sri Maurya Kummamuru what's the next step with the release manager
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke to ask implementations what basic graphs/reports they would like, (for pre-built reports for Ref App 2.6)
@Darius Jazayeri to talk to @raff about timeline for Bintray (and align Modulus replacement work with this)
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke to ensure that more nice-to-have tickets are available for RefApp 2.6 (and work with Daniel, Wyclif, Rafal, etc, to get them dev-ready) for incoming GSoC applicants
@Daniel Kayiwa to manage scheduling the Andela demo/showcase
@Darius Jazayeri to reach out to GSoC org admins