DHIS2Report SQL Query Enhancements

DHIS2Report SQL Query Enhancements

DHIS2Report SQL Query Enhancements

Primary mentor

@Sri Maurya Kummamuru

Backup mentor

@James K

Assigned to



 Presently the module is relying upon creation of SQL Queries to be written for report data to be generated. This project aims at making that process smoother by creating tags of SQL queries and the ability to use them recursively for future SQL queries.

Project Champions

  • @Bob Jolliffe

  • @James K


  • Design the Model to

  • Create a reusable SQL query layer that will allow the users to create new queries based on pervious queries.

  • Create Documentation on the Proper usage of the module

Extra Credit

  • Integrate reporting module enhancements() with SQL enhancements to be able to use either of those for specific queries.



Present Project Wiki: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/DHIS+Report+Module+-+SHR+Customized+Version
Github codebase: https://github.com/hispindia/dhisreport/tree/ADX
Project Tickets: https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/DRM/

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