How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- OpenMRS Google Drive on Website- Jeff
- Home - Tools - Google Drive
- Social entrepreneurial work- what this implies for the OpenMRS model
- Schwab social entrepreneur - potential follow up for us
- Skoll Global Threats Group
- potential opportunity for OpenMRS with Skoll Entrepreneurial Foundations
- this year-- Last Mile Health
- HIMSS blog post- final revisions! ( terry made this more personal per the HiMSS secondary direction--hope that is OK)
- Fundraising/ Budget Update
- understand need for shared data and shared data sets/data consistency
- Fast Accelerator Application submitted- results pending
- tax report ( 7/15-6/16)- will publish to the wiki
- Jeff to send link to Bill to see if the wording is OK and that he can get the thank you note
- acknowledge for previous donation
- link to amazon smile - OpenMRS (we should figure out how we want to announce this - I think someone raised the issue that it was a very small amount of $, but it's also the case that people shop anyway, and if the credit card companies get 2.75%, why shouldn't we get 1%... I think we could use a "how can indifviduals support us?" page - "join-us" links, link to donation infomration, link to amazon smile, etc)
- meetings scheduled/ comment on notes page
- OpenMRS events calendar- Jeff/Burke
- consolidated calendars to do better job at letting people know about meetings/sprints/etc
- Todays meeting deferred due to lack of a quorum
- posted to talk resources/documentation
- why do people go to the WIKI
- organize around the resources
- Can we create a sustainable process to ensure the wiki stays organized
- Use Wikipedia as a resource
- nominating pages for review
- how can we organize and work backwards from there
- Look at the top 10-20 most commonly viewed pages and nominate them up for review
- look for top ten web pages/quarter and update those in a quarterly basis
- (Jeff) I'll post to talk about the larger project, moreso presenting ideas for concensus and continue moving forward
- Moved from quarterly to bi-annual (in next two months)
- FIrst Quarter Update/ Operational Plan Update
- OMRS17 Locations- due decision my May 15
- Jeff - assign to Paul to finalize and discuss locations
- Report on Fundraising Efforts @Andy
Monthly Items
- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships- third Thursday
Quarterly Update
- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- go through some of the numbers--and gather them before the TH and review them
Recurrent Topics
- Bring up all talk threads about the Leadership Call